The Titanic Recovery – in 3-DDD (Destructive Debilitating Debt, Despicable Dollar Devaluation, Delusional Democrat Depictions)
In addition to Obama and the Democrat Congress putting the country's grandchildren in hock by spending and borrowing more than all the other Presidents combined.
According to Dick Morris, Obama's 124 (that's an average of one every ten days) fund raisers are more than Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. combined.
The taxpayers went into debt for this one self-centered, arrogant, self-entitled, self-indulgent, prig's vacations and golf for more than the entire budget of the original Federal Government.
Look how completely opposite this is to how we once were, as Thomas Paine wrote in "Rights of Man" praising the, then new, Constitutional US government system:
The whole expense of the Federal Government of America... extending over a country nearly ten times as large as England,
is but six hundred thousand dollars, or one hundred and thirty thousand pounds sterling.
Yet in France, and also in England, the expense of the civil list only,
for the support of one man only [the king], is eight times greater than the whole expense of the Federal Government in America.
Today the American taxpayers are forced to spend more on this one man than even England did on their monarch.
Socialism is no different than Monarchy. Why should the Obamas behave any differently?
All hail the King and Queen of the United States Dominion and their Royal Court.
This is the tragedy of today's repudiation of everything the founder's built.
The wars that were fought for the Republican and Constitutional form of government and a free people,
the blood shed and the widows and orphans who suffered; All in vain.
The USA has become even worse than the corrupt England we broke away from.
It is time for a Re-Revolution to restore what we had.
Here's why and how:
Spiking the football after scoring a touchdown is considered to be rude overkill.
It's a team effort and the glory does not belong to one person alone.
It is even more unwelcome if the last minute, inexperienced, relief coach spikes the football.
After all, he wasn't anywhere near the field until the end,
He had no role in the key parts of the game or players strategy and made immature calls when he did call strategy.
The team's win came despite his misguided efforts.
Plus, he was on the sidelines, not one of the players on the field taking the hits and carrying the football forward.
It would be naïve, stupid and arrogant to try to fake a name for himself.
It shows he thinks the fans are really stupid and will buy it.
The information that led to Bin laden came from enhanced interrogation at CIA "black sites" both of which Obama banned.
Instead of capturing terrorists and extracting information, Obama sends in drones and blows them and their families up.
Can't be accused of torture like Bush. Right? No, Left.
Oh and by the way one of the "torture" techniques was to play the Barney song "I love you, you love me, we're a great big family" over and over until they cracked.
Many a parent too, has been made to spill all. lol
Spiking the Slogan
Spike Lee directed commercials tying MSNBC with Obama's latest re-hashed leftist slogan "Forward".
Lean left and forward, just a little more please!
Spike the slogan.
Don't look back at his record or history or you will be -
See the light?
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