Friday, September 14, 2012

If I wanted America to fail

Please watch this short but powerful video:
Some people think this video implies that Obama is out to make America Fail.
Actually America has been failing since 1913 - long before Obama.
The 16th Amendment broke the Constitution and allowed the Federal government to steal your wealth through income tax.
The 17th Amendment took away Senate representation from the States.  Together they deprived the States of representation and power.
The people were forced to use a fraudulent currency created through the Federal Reserve.
This allowed a further stealth theft of your remaining capital, by steadily decreasing the value and purchasing power of the Federal Reserve Note, which is reflected as Inflation.
The Federal Reserve note is backed by the wealth the government takes from you.  YOU are Money! 
The Federal government usurped control of the country in the early Twentieth Century.  You just weren't told that in history or civics classes.
With the means and power provided by your wealth, the government added powers that had not been Constitutionally delegated to them by the people.
Due to this ill-gotten wealth and power, Presidents like Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson were able to put the major Socialist entitlement programs into place.
From the New Deal to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, all forms of Welfare, Foreign "Aid" and yes, even excess military interventions.
Additionally, a crippling burden of oppressive Laws and regulations were placed on business and the people to implement these Unconstitutional and tyrannical powers.
Obama is the end result, with emphasis on the word "end".  We are living on borrowed money.
So much borrowed money, thanks to Obama, that soon the entire Gross Domestic Product will not be enough to pay the interest, much less pay back the principal.
The government will continue stealing from you until you and everyone else is broke and the country collapses unless you do more than just vote and pray.
The only way to fix the country is by driving the CARR through Congress.
Which means:
  • repealing the 16th and 17th amendment
  • creating a fair tax,
  • ending the Fed,
  • adding constraints to the Bill of Constraints (incorrectly called Rights) against government interference with the free market and outlawing re-distribution.

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