Socialism is a delusion of control.
Socialism meaning all "-isms" and "-ists" that believe the delusion that they can control the world.
Nature is balanced between control and anarchy and that is how society too should be balanced.
It would be stupid to think that Nature, which is too vast to even be comprehended properly (think weather reporting. lol), could be controlled by a small group of Human minds.
Interference with Nature upsets the delicate balance of the eco-system which is already properly maintained by the myriad plants, insects and animals.
Neither is it possible for a small group of minds to comprehend or control every detail of business or society.
Government interference with the free market or society upsets the delicate balance of the eco-system already properly maintained by millions of people.
It is just as arrogant and unrealistic to believe that a few men are wise enough to manage all the details of Nature as it to think those same men can manage all the details of Society and the Free Market.
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