Sunday, February 2, 2014

Obama's "Justice"

Equal treatment under the law is not respected under the Obama tyranny. 

The IRS and the Injustice department are dedicated to pursuing Obama's political enemies.  They are brazen and unapologetic. Nixon was a piker compared. 

The "Taxes of Evil" targeted Republican donors for harassment and prevented the election of Mitt Romney by withholding tax exempt status for Republican Political action committees and blocking their ability to support the better candidate.

Obama is so thorough in his corruption and lust for power by hook or by crook,  that his Justice Department even targeted Gibson guitars (a Republican Donor) using an early 1900's statute having to do with foreign laws about unions and wood.  The Obama thugs raided the Guitar company in 2009 and shut it down in 2011.   Competing companies who supported the Democrats were not targeted.  Not only could they not support Mitt Romney but this fiasco cost the company Millions of dollars in legal fees and millions in lost revenue.

After Obama's re-election the injustice department returned the confiscated wood.  To commemorate the infamous event the company has issued a government series Les Paul guitar made with the confiscated wood.

Government Series II Les Paul (Gibson) 

I would rename it the Rand Paul, since he alerted Congress to this Obamanation and proposed an amendment to the Lacey law to rescue Gibson.

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