Saturday, March 26, 2011

The cream doesn't rise in a Homogenized Society

Why we still have fear based governance. 

Most people can't adapt to the world so they try to adapt the world to themselves by controlling it or they hide from it in a group of like minded people that create their own reality.

Those that want to control the world want a big powerful government with absolute authority and a dependent populace. They become Kings, Dictators, Socialists, Democrats, Corrupted Republicans, Fascists, Communists, United Nations and various other collectivists that grow government and kill independence.

Those that want to run away from the world gravitate to the controllers because they feel safe in a group where everyone is forced to think alike and act alike. They want everyone to be controlled because at least then they know the rules. The more powerful the leader the better because the rules won't change. The world of individuals and possibilities is too scary to them.

There has always been and still is a desire to make a world government and a desire to make a world Islamist State.

This is a weakness of Humanity that we have not addressed. It is the root cause of all economic chaos, wars, poverty and can rightly be called the root of all evil.

The capable, independent, smart, moral, compassionate, loving winners are in the minority.

Those that are virtuous and qualified don't seek power so we eventually get a government of the Stupid by the Stupid for the Stupid.

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