Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Socialism is for Kids

Socialism is for children not yet capable of surviving in the real world.

It is the T-Ball training for the major leagues of the Free Market competition and Individual Achievement.

Socialism protects from the rigors of competition but also limits individual achievement.
Would we have a Mickey Mantle or a Cal Ripken if they were forced to play with third graders?

Socialism, like T-ball, is not enough of a challenge to those with more mature skills and will stunt individual growth.

As Children we need to be equal, get rewarded even for small steps, learn to "share and share alike" and dumb down rules to the lowest common denominator. We need an artificially safe environment with graduated steps and challenges to build our skills and self-esteem.

As children we need the support of training wheels or big daddy to ride our bicycles and we don't ride very far.

As adults we need to flex our muscles and compete.
As adults we do not need a big Daddy or Government to make sure we all play together nicely.

Those adults that desire a collective system (Collectivists) such as Democrats, Leftists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists and enviromentalists are afraid to grow up and face the world of competition and reward by merit.
They are afraid they will fail in a game where we don't all get a prize just for showing up.
They are afraid to fall off the bicycle and never learn to ride on their own

Collectivist Peter Pans are still flying around in their cardboard box spaceship where the world is perfect and they are in control. They refuse to think out of the box and confront reality. Instead they try to impose their illusion on the rest of the world.

Collectivists use propaganda and censor speech so as not the break the illusion.

If you break the illusion they throw a tantrum and kick you out (Fired from your work), ostracize you (Blacklisted, Jailed), make fun of you (Show Trials, Slander, Libel, rewrite history) or hit you (Torture, re-education camps, death squads).

Collectivism on a large scale is economically, physically, spritually and mentally destructive. It fosters sloth, corruption and evil.

So grow up! Throw away your training wheels and ride with the free market. Compete and be your best!

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