The founders believed economic freedom is necessary for true liberty and only the free market of individuals is smart enough in the aggregate to correctly price goods, services and wages.
Govenmment is to govern by curtailing abuses but not to rule.
The founders established that there be no direct taxation on individuals but rather that Congress approve spending and collect taxes through the states with the total amount to be apportioned according to each states weight of representation in the federal government.
In 1913 the constitution was ammended based on the popularity of Marxist thinking to allow congress to directly tax super rich individuals. With an assured life supply the Government parasite grew.
There aren't enough super rich to fund the ever growing spending so today everyone pays through a forced progressive tax system based on the Marxist theory of redistribution of wealth.
Effectively we now have the same situation that the Founders rebelled against, taxation without representation directly contradicting the wisdom and liberalism of our founders.
Moral, social and economic values (or devaluation as is mostly the case) can now be imposed on the populace through tax breaks, again contravening the founder's intent of freedom from a state Religion and freedom to practice our own Judeo-Christian morality.
Our constitution affirms that Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness were endowed to us by our creator acknowledging that no government grants these rights or can take these rights away due to the higher authority of the Creator.
No religion may be imposed by the state. Is not the imposition of a state code of morality an imposition of Religion? Isn't the progressive income tax that is stealing money from one class to give to another an imposition of theft that violates our freedom to practice our religion that forbids theft?
By the founder's definition shouldn't religions such as secularism, atheism, enviromentalism (a belief in Gaia or Mother Earth and the evil of humanity) and Socialism not be allowed to be practiced by our government?